I am referring to Green Tripe, which comes in frozen, raw, canned, and freeze-dried forms. We currently sell green tripe in freeze-dried and canned. I have used it myself on pets who were off their food or when I had to “hide” needed medicine. Raw green tripe is the completely unprocessed stomach of a cud-chewing animal such as a cow or a deer. “Tripe has always been a very important component of the carnivore’s diet. Though most humans regard it as unusual, raw green tripe is a natural and beneficial food. Raw green tripe offers a balance of nutrients as well as beneficial bacteria and enzymes. It has been nutritionally analyzed and found to have a desirable calcium:phosphorus ratio of 1:1. Green tripe’s pH is acidic, the protein is 15.1%, and the fat is 11.7%. It also has the correct proportions of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.”

Green tripe looks and smells disgusting in the canned variety, and I would imagine even worse in the raw. One of the super benefits of this product is the lactobacillus acidophilus it contains, which is an intestinal bacteria that inhibits the production of dangerous bacteria like e-coli, salmonella and listeria. By adding tripe to your pet’s diet, good bacteria will overcome the effects of bad bacteria. Such probiotics are super important to your pet’s immune system. I am quite surprised that it is not suggested by vets for all the ways in which it helps dogs and cats. The most convenient way to purchase raw tripe is ground, either fresh or frozen, and it is the best form for cats according to this article by IVC Journal at I find that my cats do well with the canned variety.

Tripe contains concentrated calories and it can help a dog to either lose or gain weight. The calories are full of nutrients that support the functioning of your pet’s system. Tripe helps dogs lose weight as it makes them feel fuller. It helps a dog to gain weight because it is a tasty and healthy supplement that encourages finicky or recovering dogs to eat. Tripe also helps pets retain important nutrients when they are on restrictive diets. You can make a guilt-free treat by freezing cubes of tripe or giving a freeze-dried treat. Also, tripe can help a senior dog who is losing its sense of smell because tripe is super strong smelling. You can use it as a topper to any food. We have taken in a long-haired beauty that was left at Seashore Campground, and the last person feeding and interacting with the cat, asked if she were to get it checked out at the vets’ would we take care of her as the campground is closing for the season. “Cece” did not eat for four days and was very angry. She is beginning to eat now, but when I go back to the store, I am going to put some tripe on her food to further encourage her appetite.

Tripe helps dogs with sensitive stomachs as it is already partially digested. And it has been known to ease the symptoms of “leaky gut” syndrome. Surprisingly (to me) It helps with corprophagia. Dogs will eat their own poop or the poop of other dogs for various reasons- boredom, stress, anxiety, or digestive problems. Feeding tripe, if the problem is digestive, will curb that behavior, as well as it will get rid of your dog’s tendency to eat grass!

On top of everything else, tripe can be of benefit to your pet’s DENTAL health. Since raw and freeze-dried tripe tends to be rubbery in consistency, it encourages more chewing which helps with tartar.


